I saw a handsome yet adorable caucasian guy at work TODAY!
Woo Hoo! Yeah!! Is like one in millions chance. Wahaha.
Usually the ones who are cute, handsome, pretty:
are babies, toddlers and kids- nothing else.
It's very very very rare to see handsome yet adorable caucasian guy.
It's must be one of my lucky days! Yessh!
The best thing happens when u least expected it!
I was concentrating doing some calculations.
Out of sudden, i heard someone sae: "Excuse me."
Then i turned my head up and saw handsome yet adorable caucasian guy.
Second best part is when i was looking for my supervisor.
Walking around and searching, i saw the handsome yet adorable caucasian guy again.
Sitting beside he, is his friends another good looking caucasian guy.
There is 1 more good looking caucasian guy asking enquires at the counter.
In conclusion i saw 3 yandao ang mo today. Woooooooooo Hooo.
Today is a lucky day!
Labels: handsome yet adorable